Proud to be an Indiblogger

Friday, January 22, 2010

......long overdue!

This is long overdue. My sincere apologies……..
Yes…it has been a while since I posted anything…..excuses aplenty of course. For one, I have been tasked with neutralizing a situation in my plant where a group of disgruntled workers are in the process of establishing a union. It has befallen on me to use my influence to talk them out of it, an arduous task that I have undertaken as a project. Whether I succeed in my attempts or not, only time will tell. But from the looks of it, it appears they are not making much headway, not without the support from a vast majority of them….or so it seems.
And to add to this added workload, my key assistant has gone on his annual pilgrimage to India… Swammi Ayappan. So that means that since the birth of the new year, I have had to oversee everything here in office, something that this star player would usually take care of.
Then they have given me a new PC….which is good considering that I have been using the old one for such a long time……since 2001 when I joined, I think. But the trouble with this new PC is that there are so many new features in it. And the e-mail screen comes with so many other options in it that I don’t feel comfortable using it anymore. Or maybe it’s just a matter of getting used to it which surely I will…over time. But for now, I don’t feel comfortable…not yet. And that’s also one of the reasons that had kept me away from writing. …..honest! You see, I have been reluctantly pushed to live life in this age of I.T……something that I didn’t have to in the first 40 years of my life. But that’s the order of things these days, so what’s my alternative? It has become a matter of survival…..or becoming irrelevant and ‘obsolete’! What a choice really?
Anyway there have been a lot of things happening around me that I will have to write about. For one, I made contact with my old friend Praba from the hospital days who is now in Sabah and who will be down sometime early next month…….I have also made contact with some cousins of mine from India with whom I have started communicating in the hope that we can built a foundation first before we get to meet, that has been planned for mid-year. On the local front, this year is also the year when my remaining old classmates plan to have a reunion. It’s in the pipeline but we are sure it will materialize. To make the event all the more exciting, we want to meet up in Penang and pay a visit to our alma-mater in BM…..just for old time’s sake.
Thank you for joining me. I will be up and running in due course. Until then please bear with me especially Mr. Suresh Nair and Tok Jack.